Friday 19 October 2007

Objects of Desire - Chapter 2

It's 1986 and Chad is coming down from her successful rock tour of the states. 18 year old superstar, where does she go from here? First stop is to find her partner in the band, Jamie - he'll have what she needs...

Back in the present, Jess Chadwick is immersed in her new case, a nine-year-old girl at the local school with strange bruising on her legs. Where did the marks come from, and why is her mother so obstructive?

On her way back from the visit, Denny texts her, asking if her latest song is ready for upload to her web site. Managing two lives is bad enough, social worker and musician, but then she hears that the dead boy on the Dyke, the one that Ed called her about last night, was one of her first clients, a little boy called Perry Stiffley. Denny would call it a system failure - Jess calls it a failure.

To hear the podcast of Chapter 2 click here, subscribe to the whole series by clicking the link opposite or buy the book (go on, you know you want to...) from Amazon, Waterstones or any good bookseller.

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